Finally February!

This is pretty much how I felt yesterday when I realized January was officially OVER:

I have never been so happy to see a month be over in a very long time. That being said, I did have some goals to achieve…didn’t I?…oh yeah, I did.

January Goals:

  1. Run at least one 5K this month. Technically this is a Success, but only because we did a 5K Color Run at my kindergartner’s school. And we didn’t really run, but it was more of a fast walk. Meh…it counts.
  2. Pay more than the minimum payment on credit card and pool screen loan. Well I did pay more than the minimum, but I then had to put more on the cc thanks to other unexpected stuff. Oh well. So…Fail.
  3. Receive the Navy Reserves Selection Board results. Didn’t happen. The board actually met January 17th, and I still haven’t heard anything. Waiting sucks ya’ll.

On to February!!!


  1. PR in my half marathon. If I PR, it will be because my sister is running with me and pushing me more than I would push myself. Also, we are doing a half marathon, and then basically right after (depending on when we finish), we are doing a 5K. It’s a cool combo race that will result in 3 medals and a jacket. And we all know I’m all about the swag!
  2. Host a nice bridal shower for my sister. My sister is getting married to her 3rd husband next month, and I am her matron of honor. I am hosting her bridal shower at my house on the 18th, and since this is really the first true bridal shower she’s gotten, it’ll be fun. The theme is Liquor and Lace!
  3. Finish my presentation early! I have a conference coming up in 2 weeks that I was selected to present at, and I will be honest…I haven’t done ANYTHING to prepare for it. I really need to get my butt moving on this, because “winging it” really won’t work.
  4. And just to stay consistent: FIND OUT THE NAVY RESULTS! One way or another, I will know this month what they decided. Am I in or not? Stay Tuned!

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