A Highlight Reel

Well ya’ll, I know it’s been a smidge (again), but as per usual, there’s just a lot going on and not a lot of time to blog about it. Since I last posted (2 weeks ago), the following events make the highlight reel of life:

  1. My daughter picked out her prom dress. She’s a junior, and in my opinion, just gorgeous. So it should come as no shock that she chose a gown to highlight said gorgeousness. To say I am NOT ready for her to be so grown up is an understatement. How did we get here this fast???
  2. I ran another half marathon. I didn’t PR thanks to a fantabulous trip over a root/rock on the short unpaved portion of the course that reinjured my poor healing toe, but whatever. I did get within 5 minutes of it, so it wasn’t all bad. Oh…and I still hate that there is a bridge that has to be done TWICE on this course. And lucky me, I actually had to go over it 3 TIMES so that my hubby could pick me up afterward. Yay…not.IMG_0376
  3. We bought a CAMPER!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!! I’m SO excited you guys! We will now be able to get the hell out of dodge whenever we want to and not have to budget for a hotel or all those meals out a normal vacation has. It has bunk beds for the kids, and plenty of room if the weather happens to be crappy. Did I mention I need a vacation??? LOL!FullSizeRender
  4. I can NOT wait to show you guys a cake that I am in the process of making. It’s for a 1-year-old’s birthday party, and it features a bi-plane made out of fondant! It’ll be finished and presented on Saturday at the party. More pictures coming for sure!51226098686__F3A52BD3-941A-43A2-9CA8-76E7FD108D76 (1)
  5. And last but not least, I got the notification today that I am published!! Ok, it’s not my award winning novel (or even a novel for that matter), and it’s not fiction either BUT…my doctoral dissertation has officially been published! I even have an ISBN for it (here ya go for what it’s worth to all you academic people out there interested in learning about my research into the impact of online learning on 10th grade Reading students).

ISBN (978-3-330-05288-8)

It’s been published by Lambert Academic Publishing. Yep. It’s official.

And that, kids, is what’s been happening around here lately. 🙂

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