If you don’t like shopping…

well some people would say there’s something wrong with you. BUT…I say Welcome to My Club!

There’s something just not fun about going shopping, trying on clothes that look so darn adorable on the rack, and then being totally disappointed because it doesn’t look the same way on you. I’m 5’3″, so I don’t do the cute maxi dresses because they are too long. I also have a large bust (34DD or DDD depending), so while my waist is a size 6-8, dresses can be challenging sometimes. I’ve also inherited my rather large tush, and that makes jeans shopping miserable. Not to mention after 4 babies, swimsuit shopping can be a nightmare.

Ok so I’ve established that shopping for clothes isn’t my thing. My husband has had to make me go to Kohl’s and spend money on clothes for myself. Yes ladies, you heard that correctly. Now don’t get me wrong. I love finding a good bargain, and when something does look great, I enjoy wearing it. I just wish there was a way to find good quality clothes that fit correctly without the hassle of actually shopping. OH BUT THERE IS!!!!!

I follow another blog called Whimsical September. Erica is a SUPER awesome woman of God, mom of 2 adorable little girls, and a fantabulous wife to a pretty cool dude in the Army. Anyway, she has posted about her StitchFix experiences multiple times. I’ve read them all and thought the stuff looked super cute, but I figured it wasn’t for me…I’m sure it was expensive…blah blah blah.

Last month I took the plunge when I received a discount code for my first box. Now if you’ve never heard of StitchFix it’s essentially a subscription service for clothes, shoes, accessories, etc for both women AND men. You fill out a pretty extensive profile and even choose when you want to receive the box. You then have 3 days to decide what you want to keep and return the rest at no charge. There is a $20 styling fee charged to you when your box ships. That $20 is then put toward any item you decide to keep. If you keep the whole box, you get an additional 25% off. Bonus: the box your stuff comes in can be used to ship any old clothes FOR FREE to Goodwill too!

So my first box was kind of meh. I figure it was a learning curve. I received a dress, 2 shirts, a pair of pants, and a bracelet. I kept one shirt. I had initially decided to get a box quarterly. But then realized my sister’s wedding next weekend requires a whole lot of hoopla, so I requested my 2nd box be shipped faster. Ya’ll I kept all 5 items! I received 2 dresses, a pair of jeans, a shirt, and Toms wedges. My stylist totally NAILED it this time!

I got to try everything on at home, make decisions, give feedback, and it was so. easy. If you hate shopping, I highly encourage you to give it a try! Now all of this is strictly my opinion. No one has asked me my opinion or compensated me in any way. I am going to include a link that you can use, and in full disclosure, I will receive a $25.o0 credit should you choose to place an order with said link, but please don’t feel obligated or anything. I just really love this service and wanted to share my joy! 🙂



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