Adventurous Life

I promised a completed photo of the airplane cake, and here it is:IMG_0403

I LOVE how it turned out. It’s got to be some of my very best work so far.

Once again my little ol’  blog here has fallen behind (not that I ever posted a ton before now). *sigh* At least I can say honestly that we’ve been having some adventures, and maybe that’s a pretty good excuse :D. Ever since I divorced my first husband, I have been committed to living an adventurous life with no regrets. I am so blessed to have married a man who is equally (if not more so) interested in adventure too. He is always encouraging me to chase after my craziest dreams, and I appreciate that so much. See, I was very controlled in my first marriage. He controlled all of our money (and did a crappy job with it BELIEVE ME), squashed most of the adventurous things I wanted to do as being “too dangerous”, and never really wanted to leave the house let alone travel across the country/world. I didn’t even realize how much of life I was missing out on until I was free. So what have I been up to you ask???

My husband and I got to be in the live audience for the taping of American Ninja Warrior!! We couldn’t take any pictures or video once we were in the taping area, but I did manage to snag a couple before and after taping:

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We “painted a rock with a cop”, and of course, I had to make sure my team was represented:


I participated in the Never Quit 5K, and this medal is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!

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I went to an escape room for my bestie Meghan’s birthday, and we totally ROCKED it! It was completely worth the drive.

escape room

Last, but not least, we have family from upstate New York in town visiting, so we went to the beach. My youngest and I took a little walk to collect shells and found this man-o-war (and gave it PLENTY of room):


That’s it for now, but I’m sure there’s lots more to come as we wrap up this school year: 27 school days to go!!!!!!!!

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